Friday 15 April 2011


nothing in matters of the heart. You are capable of loving deeply, and you crave intimacy. Scorpio isn't afraid of anything, and when Venus, the planet of love, is found in this sign, love relationships are intense. Scorpio is also a sign that thrives on crisis in order for its natives to feel alive and vital, so when it comes to matters of the heart, you are not only unafraid of getting your hands dirty, you may easily find an overly predictable relationship uninteresting. 
Scorpios don't enjoy being referred to as jealous, but from time to time, jealousy and possessiveness become issues in your relationships. You have a strong desire to control your often turbulent passions, and you don't always let your partner exactly what is going on inside of you as a result. Others will be either strongly attracted to, or intimidated by, your obvious ability to give all to love, and your extraordinary passion. Your strong interest in love and romance can sometimes border on obsessive, and you need a partner who is willing to go the distance with you. Sexually, you are intense as well, but you definitely do not only want your partner's body--you want his or her soul as well. Sex without intimacy is ultimately uninteresting to you. 
Be careful that your fear of betrayal doesn't become a self-fulfilling prophecy. When insecure about your partner's feelings about you, resorting to games of power and control might seem like a natural route for you, and may even get temporary desired "results", but can have disastrous consequences in the long run. Learning to let go a little and have faith in your partner can do wonders in any relationship. When you are at your best, you are unafraid of intimacy and can offer extraordinary passion to your relationships that is pretty much unmatched. 

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